Looking to go to Japan with my gf in September 2026

[TLDR at the end]

Hey all!
Just quickly want to say that so many of my questions have been answered since finding this sub, massive respect to all 🫡

As the title says, me and my gf and wanting to go to Japan in September of 2026. We're in the UK right now, and we're of the understanding that we can go for 6 months without having to aquire a visa, and that's great, though we ideally want to go for a year with the working holiday VISA.

We have a decent understanding of the process, requirements etc. but I need a bit of help with my situation.

I'm self-employed as a freelance video editor, and work for clients all over the world. Would I be able to continue doing this under the working holiday VISA rules? My gf is wanting to get some sort of job over there, but I'd ideally like to keep the freelance stuff up!

I feel as though I should be more specific with my situation but I don't really know how what details to give, so let me know if you need more info to help me out!

Sorry for what is probably a lot of rambling, I don't think I have ever had to ask for help on reddit before because I usually find the answer first haha

TLDR – From the UK, Self-employed and work from a laptop. Can I still get a working holiday visa whilst doing this?


I'm currently of the understanding that I can continue working on a working holiday visa, so that's good! But I will have to pay japanese tax on top ofthr tax I oay in the UK (Unless I've misunderstood)

Also I want to add, I edit videos for a variety of YouTubers. It's not contracted work with companies etc.
I think this has what's thrown me off a lot when researching, as all of the freelance guide lines seem to specify contract work and overseas companies etc.

by Sl4w_

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