Police considered Shiori Ito’s rape case a ‘black box’. She forced Japanese society to look inside

An ABC News story about how Japanese society changed after Shiori Ito spoke out, as she tours around the world with her documentary on the case. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-09-03/how-japan-changed-after-shiori-ito-and-black-box-diaries/104285952

by Adventurous_Page8102

  1. “A 2022 survey by the Japanese national broadcaster NHK found only 10 per cent of the victims of sexual violence made a report to police.

    Police did not record 29 per cent of those cases, and another 34 per cent were never sent to prosecutors, the survey found”

  2. The person who raped her is a member of the LDP with ties with the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe so that means he isn’t getting any meaningful punishment.
    LDP is commiting crime left and right like letting Unification Church do whatever they wanted for money, stealing tax money (highest LDP member stole around $50 million), severly undercutting land price for themselves, raping (Shiori Ito) and stealing used women’s clothing (Takagi from LDP), forcing NHK on all its citizen for its propaganda so we’ll keep voting for them, making foreigner’s life harder and hiding its WW2 history and pissing the victims off by visiting Yasukuni Shrine over and over.

    There isn’t much we can do unless we vote them out at next year’s election. Even if you can’t vote, I encourage everyone to let the voters who never goes know about LDP’s true face and vote because it really does matter.

  3. > “The most important thing is to let the younger generation understand what sexual consent is,” she said.

    When I was 10 I had sex ed class in Sweden that talked almost exclusively about consent, and this was in the mid 90s. Japan is such a fucking backwards country.

  4. I’ve never heard of this woman, and I’ve been here ten plus years. Not sure of any “significant changes” after she spoke out.

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