Payroll inc asking for info that they already have

Same company, job, address, etc. for two years. Nothing has changed. Received a request from Payroll inc to confirm my number. Completed and sent back (nothing has changed).

They've now written to me asking for me to send them a copy of my number card (which I don't have (on arrival I was given advice that I don't need it as the paper cert. is fine.. turns out this is shit advice)) – or – obtain a new (ie. less than 3 months old and stamped) residence certificate and send them that.

Obviously the path of least resistance is to just go and get a certificate tomorrow and post it, but why do they ask information that they already have? I've been turning up to work for 2 years and they've been paying me for 2 years so surely all is good?

by PermissionBest2379

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