Hand-Me-Down Bike Not Registered to my name

Hi, I am currently a resident in Japan pursuing a degree in a Japanese university.

I’ve wanted a bike for a while, and recently someone from an online group of my country’s community in Japan said they have a bike to give away.
I biked 20km from this persons house to my place to grab the bike, which was in a fairly new state and was happy about it.
I never thought about the registration, and after googling what owning a bike in Japan entails, I reached out to the guy about the registration card and if we can do that process so it becomes legally under my name.

This guy is now acting quite suspicious, saying he lost the registration card, and when I said I’m going to give him back his bike because I’m not interested in owning a bike that’s not registered to my name, he said he has now moved (I literally got this bike 2 days ago..) and doesn’t live in that place anymore.

My question is now, what do I do ?

Do I go to the police ? I don’t have a receipt or proof of getting it from this person except for chat logs in our native language.

What is the best course of action that doesn’t require a big hassle since this already is stressing me out and I feel really anxious about this.

by Calm-University-7773

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