I’ve had it with my next door neighbor and his constant terrible singing and racket late at night

Rant post

Every single night he is singing, loudly. I am not exaggerating, it’s every single damn night. I’ve had it up to here. I first sent an official complaint to the management company months ago and they just placed a flyer to all the tenants mailboxes to be quiet late at night. They didn’t contact him directly. He doesn’t give a damn anyways. He’s still noisy as hell, moving furniture at late hours of the night, banging the balcony door, laughing and his awful singing is the cherry on top.

I’ve tried banging on the wall as a way of telling him to stop but he doesn’t care and he’s actually even noisier now. I’ve sent another complaint to the management company and expect a phone call later this week. I understand the walls are usually thin here, but is it unreasonable to expect everyone to just be considerate at night? Sing all you want during the DAY! But at NIGHT? At 10 PM? 11 PM? At midnight? At 3 AM?

And then once it’s around 5-6 AM, it goes quiet. So I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s up all night having a good time and then sleeps all morning. I understand we all have different work schedules and sleeping cycles, but one needs to have the common decency to be quiet at night for those who need to sleep at that time because they work during the day when HE so happens to be sleeping.

Thank you for getting through this rant 🥲

by conundrummers

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