Seeking advice on improving JLPT N1/N2 based on mock test results

I'm an intermediate level Japanese learner going to Kyoto University for a 4-month undergrad exchange term on Japanese language and linguistics.

I'm considering taking the December JLPT while in Kyoto, so I'm seeking some advice here.

I took the sample JLPT mock tests from and the results are attached below (passed n2 and n3 but failed n1).

Specifically, I'm wondering how accurate do you think these scores reflect my actual skill? Should I dare the N1 or should I step back and attempt the N2 or N3 instead?

Finally, what's your opinion on JLPT in comparison with other tests like IELTS (English), TOPIK (Korean), HSK (Chinese), TEL (French) etc? Do you think the lack of a writing and speaking component detract from its reliability?

N1 mock test result 10/18 (fail)

N2 mock test result 12/19 (pass)

N3 mock test result 12/17 (pass)

by ZeroToHero__

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