Japanese female activist group wants to ban pornography in Japan

Japanese female activist group wants to ban pornography in Japan


  1. Seems like Japan is a paradise for people who don’t want to have sex with others.

    I remember when I quit watching porn, I wanted to have sex with my wife again, and her sister, and her friends and her friends friends.

  2. Problem is that someone has to define what “porn” is. That’s the rub, no pun intended.

  3. That’s not what the article is about. The article is about regulation of the porn industry to prevent abuse and exploitation

  4. I don’t think they’re thinking this through. I understand wanting to redirect sexual energy in a reproductive direction in a nation with a declining birth rate, but here there be monsters. Take away porn from a male population and an unsettling portion of that group will find sexual satisfaction in whatever way required. It’ll be worse in a traditionally heavily patriarchal society than it would be in a more equal one too…this is such a bad idea.

  5. >”In connection with the new law, some support groups called for sexual intercourse to be banned in pornographic productions, as the law refers to sexual acts that include intercourse. On this point, Kanajiri said it was an issue that remained to be addressed. As the new law states that issues such as this will be considered “within two years after the commencement of the law,” Ito said”

    The title is misleading since this law it’s not doing that BUT they have support groups asking for the what the title said and the ones leading this law also support banning porn…

    I support this law since it seems to protect the woman that can’t say no, but, after that… Probably not.

  6. Banning pornography in a country with internet… good luck. That’s like saying “let’s ban guns” in America.

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