Bicycles accident – need advice

I will shortly describe my case and I’m looking to hear your suggestions what should I do.

I was biking home after nearly 60km done that day, late evening, and when I was passing by some small crossroads on the (I think) green light with low speed a guy on the other bicycle came from the right side, we touched (as it was no impact, no speed from both sides) and broke to 0km/h. We both fell on the side but as I mention with 0 impact and the guy basically just got stuck on his bike, he did not fall.

Shocked and scared I run up to him to ask if he’s ok, and the guy angry as fuck just took my bicycle, yelled at me and called the police. I don’t speak Japanese, and he was clearly not willing to communicate.

The police came and they were interviewing us for 2 hours or so. I was playing super dumb foreigner (which I was in that case), and just sticking to my version that I crossed on the green. They did not want to believe me at first, and started to suggest (we were talking through Google translate lol) that maybe I was tired and didn’t see the light or something. But eventually, as they saw that I’m standing by mine, after talking to the guy they told me that it was both of us fail and that our insurance companies will have to cover the damage. The guy was pushing so hard cause he clearly wanted to get money from the insurance – nothing happened to his bike as there was no crush but he had a pricey gravel with full equipment and clearly wanted to get money for that.

I am an exchange student here, and I’m basically leaving the country in 7 days. I have no insurance on the bicycle, besides my travel insurance and dunno what from the university (if anything, I don’t know). The policemen told me to contact my student support center and make them call them (I was given the phone number).

And here comes my question – what consequences are on me right now, and what would you suggest to do? As I said, I have no cycle insurance here what is a crap, and I’m basically leaving the country shortly. Should I contact this support center? What if I do not care about it and just leave in a week?

I gladly appreciate all the suggestions and explanations.

by bratzmajami

  1. What do you mean you have no insurance? It’s a legal requirement to have bicycle insurance (as of 2022) in *most* parts of Japan (including Tokyo).

    My spouse recently had an accident (while insured and while being, as the police judged, entirely not at fault), and it took about 6 months to finally get the matter resolved.

  2. Always call the cops first. And never should you have apologized to him.

    Now, hire a lawyer asap and let him handle this

  3. Bicyle insurance is just a “gimu” and there’s no enforcing law. It’s just like a law wearing a bicycle helment.

    If you are not insured, you’ll need to pay it yourself. Not sure from the post if the police asked you to pay for the other’s damages. If it’s just for your bicycle and yourself, there’s nothing to do.

    If you just leave Japan and never coming back, then that’s that. However, if you come back and get into the police incident again, this incident will be in the police record so you’ll be in an disadvantage.

  4. Your story makes no sense, saying you touched but there was no crash, and he fell but he did not fall.

    Practically speaking, you COULD just go home and likely nothing will happen, but I would not encourage that. Talk to your support center?

  5. After-4-days-update: after 4 more morning calls from police and talking to university (which, kudos, took all responsibility for managing the case) the guy filed in at the police that he does not want to pursue it more. Additionally requested of not sharing his personal details.

    Tl;dr realised he won’t get any money for the case and bailed out. pathetic.

    Thanks for all the advices in here!

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