18 Days Mainland+Yaeyama Islands, some suggestions/places to see required!

2nd time travelling to Japan and did the golden route initialy+koyasan/nara/fuji/nikko/shimanami during my 1st trip

Travelling for 18 days between late Oct-early Nov; solo trip

Interests include – shrines/trekking/onsens/anime; want to also explore fall but I know it may be early

Food – Ramen (vegetarian)


General Plan as below –

Day 1 Fukuoka

Rent a car, travel around kunisaki peninsula


Drive to near Takachiho and stay the night nearby

Day 2

Takachiho gorge

Kurokawa onsens

stay overnight in Fukuoka

Day 3 Ishigaki

Flight to ishigaki (land mid afternoon)

Explore ishigaki ?on cycle beaches (not sure what to do here as only have half a day)

Day 4

Booked a full day dive

Finishes around 1600, catch a ferry to taketomi

explore taketomi and spend overnight here

Day 5

Catch early morning ferry to ishigaki; then from ishigaki to hatoma

Explore hatoma / beach / snorkelling

Catch a ferry to Uehara port (iriomote)

Stay on iriomote for 3 nights

Day 6 Iriomote

Some trips planned but not booked yet –

Pinaisara trek + kayak

Day 7

Seakayaking and snorkelling tour

Rent a scooter, explore overnight (try to stargaze, not sure where the best spots are but moped just sounds fun)

Day 8 (kinda free day)

Either do a half day tour on iriomote or head back to ishigaki and explore

Flight to Osaka at ~1800

Reaching late but travelling to kyoto from here to accomodation (est arrival in kyoto 2300)

Day 9 Kyoto

Nijo castle

Other shrines nearby not sure which is the most recommended of these –

Daitoku Ji / Ryoan Ji / Ninna Ji

Kinkaku Ji (if I have time)


Day 10 Kyoto

Get up early and stroll around Kyoto streets / Sannenzaka

Tofuku Ji

Tenjuan / Nanzen Ji


(Ginkakuji en route if I have time)

Shisendo + Enko Ji

Day 11 Kyoto

Katsura Imperial villa (Gintama anyone?)

Saihoji (reserved for this day)

Tenry ji

(Ive done arashiyama before, anything nearby recommended?)

Fu fu no yu onsen

Catch shinkansen in the evening head to Nagoya (staying overnight here)


Day 12 Nakasendo trail

Head to Nakatsugawa

Trek to Magome à Trek to Tsumago  (not sure if nakatsugawa à magome is recommended and I know this is slightly long but have the whole day anyway)

Tsumago to Nagoya

Shinkansen to Tokyo


Day 13

Daytrip to fujikawaguchiko

Relax in all the day onsens here (checked quite a few nearby, rent a moped if this is available)

Nothing else planned

Return to Tokyo


Day 14-18 (5 days in Tokyo; flight home leaves late evening so technically 4.5 days)

I was planning 3 days in Tokyo for shopping visiting places

2 days

-?overnight trip to Tsuru no Yu in akita and back just to experience the onsens and Im told fall there is nice. Could also rent a car and explore around kakunodate

-alternatively do the okunoin onsen which would take 1 day and give me 1 spare day

Open to suggestions

Apologies for the long read and looking forwards to hearing from you all!

by jackalxhyena

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