My internet options, what to go for?

I do have a gaming PC and wish to enjoy some online gaming, hopefully with low latency, so which provider do you recommend based on your experience with the provider?

by Schizoteric

  1. I believe the Sony NURO hikari is the top speed. But then internet is a bit complicated in Japan. I think you need to contract with a provider that will then contract with the physical owners of the lines. So there could be several providers that can get access to the Nuro lines. You can do a search from the providers website, they often have a section to search based on your address to confirm if your building is eligible.

  2. You might be able to get a discount if you go with the same one as your phone provider. There are usually conditions but I had a decent discount through the “au smart value” plan in my previous place.

  3. Definitely go for NURO if speed is that important to you. I’ve had the 2gbps plan in two different places and no complaints from me.

  4. JCOM has been the worst. They had to come to my house three times in just four months because the internet was lagging so badly. I specifically chose not to go with SoftBank router(slightly expensive) to avoid the home setup hassle, but JCOM ended up making things even worse. Every time they came, all I got was the usual ‘moushiwakenai’ and other excuses… So far, NURO has been much better—speed and reliability are on point.

  5. Even if your building doesn’t have it yet, you can install a different one.

    So if your phone provider offers a free installation for its Hikari, there is no issue installing it for just your unit.

  6. I have Nuro and it’s the best internet I ever had.
    Hyper fast. Can download 100GB GTA 5 in 20 minutes.

  7. NURO is really good but if you don’t already have a line, it’ll take a looong time to get going. So will the others, but in my experience NURO was significantly longer.

    It is very fast and stable though. Never had even a brief outage in 2 years. Speeds are very close to advertised (though mileage on that varies by locale).

    If you go NTT, the ISP OCN had English support, but they throttle hard during peak hours and aren’t the greatest speeds either. If they know you’re a foreigner, they’ll sell you OCN hard though so you can take advantage of the English support line.

    Do your research on ISPs. If you have a phone bill with Docomo for example, getting Docomo Hikari (which is an NTT line) can save you money monthly and get you extra d points. AU also has their own hikari.

  8. As I see from the picture, the least popular and least crowded one with a reasonably good infrastructure is KDDI. Nuro is usually fast, but if there are a lot of gamers living nearby, they might all use Nuro and it might be slow.

  9. I wholeheartedly recommend NURO. Switched to them a couple of years ago, nothing to complain about!

  10. I wholeheartedly recommend NURO. Switched to them a couple of years ago, nothing to complain about!

  11. I use NTT with Asahi Net and have been happy with them so far. I’m glad there’s actual competition here unlike the fiefdoms I had to deal with in the States.

  12. NURO sucks donkey ass. I have it and I have to reset my router several times a day, and I still get horrible speeds and sudden dropped connections all the time. Makes it impossible to do online gaming. I’ve had it for a few years so I assume the router is old but they refuse to replace it and there is no way to get in touch with an actual human being.

    I’ve been trying to sign up for J:com for about 3 months but the process is so convoluted that I haven’t managed to make it happen yet.

  13. Nuro is fast BUT if you want to do any prosumer shenanigans like port forwarding (so VPNs, home server, etc) or use your own router, you won’t be able to because they use MAP encapsulation (IPv4 over IPv6). I didn’t read the small print and they basically said “if you want to do this stuff, get a 2万/month business connection”.

  14. Using NURO and I’ve been very impressed so far. Haven’t tried the others. We were on KDDI’s ASDL before and it was fine for me. When Final Fantasy VII Rebirth game out, our NURO fibre downloaded the whole thing in about 15 mins – it was almost disappointing.

    Basically, I have found nothing at all to complain about.

  15. I haven’t really had a chance to test the speed yet (aside from xbox updates which have been pretty quick) but I’ve had nuro光 for about 4 months now and no complaints. I’ve had to restart the router twice but I think that happens no matter the provider. Started working again without issue immediately on both occasions.

  16. Don’t know how bad now, but nuro was notorious for having disconnection a while ago that some of my gaming communities refused to have party members with nuro connection.
    Theoretically it should be fastest.

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