Experience on Moving from Tokyo to Fukuoka?


As the title suggests, I’m planning to move from Tokyo to Fukuoka for work. Although it’s not settled yet, I’ll most likely be living in the Hakata area, so if anyone here has relocated from Tokyo to Fukuoka, could you share your experience?

  1. Is daily life (including public transportation, grocery shopping, entertainment, etc.) as convenient as in Tokyo?
  2. What is the social life like? Is it easy to make new friends, either with Japanese or foreigners?
  3. What are the downsides of living in Fukuoka?
  4. Is there anything you wish you had known before moving to Fukuoka?

Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!

Edit 1: Thank you so much for your answers! I also made the exact same post on /fukuoka. As someone here mentioned, the answers differ a lot lol. I received equal pros and cons of living in Fukuoka here, while the comments on the other post seem to praise Fukuoka heavily.

To recap, here are some of the most mentioned pros and cons:

  1. The cost of living is comparatively cheaper. Food is generally great, but there is a lack of international food varieties.

  2. Fukuoka is smaller compared to Tokyo, so commuting is easier. Airport is conveniently located near the city center. However, public transportation (mainly trains) is not as convenient as in Tokyo, so you’ll most likely need a bike or even a car.

  3. Opinions on making new friends are divided; some say people in Fukuoka tend to be cold, while others find them to be nice. As with any place in Japan, you’ll have an easier time making friends with locals if you speak Japanese. Also, people love drinking, so if you’re into a healthy lifestyle, you might have a hard time bonding with both foreigners and locals.

  4. If you enjoy going to concerts, Fukuoka might not be ideal since most international artists' concerts stop in Osaka.

I’ve visited Fukuoka a few times for travel, so getting different perspectives on actually living there was enlightening, to say the least. One thing is for sure: it ultimately comes down to individual preferences!

by oooommmgg

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