How can I add audio to my Yomitan Anki cards?

I've started using yomitan recently to make immersion easier and recently to start using it to make easy anki cards. I've watched a few youtube videos both on how to use yomitan with anki and looked for how to actually add audio to cards. The rest of the card is set up allright

I used this video by tokini andy to set it up

Currently with yomitan I only have one dictionary set up being Jitendex and I have created a different card type with the necessary fields and linked it with the yomitan dictionary values.

On the front I have the word and the sentence it mined with this code

<div style='font-family: Hiragino Sans GB; font-size: 48px;'>{{edit:Front}}</div> <br> <div style='font-family: Hiragino Sans GB; font-size: 24px;'>{{edit:Sentence}}</div>

On the back I have the reading, sentance, and dictionary answer with this code (the kanji part is not used i only have it there because its there in the video and i have the option to add kanji if i want to)

<div style='font-family: Hiragino Sans GB; font-size: 48px;'>{{edit:Reading}}</div>


<div style='font-family: Hiragino Sans GB; font-size: 24px;'>{{edit:Sentence}}</div>

<hr id=answer>



<div style='font-family: Hiragino Sans GB; font-size: 24px;'>{{edit:Kanji}}</div>

I have seen on yomitan dictionary value 'Audio' and I presume this is the audio for the word when you press the speaker button on the actual mouseover dictionary

My main question is what do I put in the code seciton for the back for it to automatically play the audio every time, I have added an audio field to my card type and put the dictionary value 'Audio' to this field but I have no idea how to get it to play. I have some previous experience with HTML but I have no idea how to get the audio to play from the code. I have seen once it play on some random card but I believe this was because I put the Audio value to the kanji field and kept the kanji code but this only randomly played once

Thanks for reading the huge post if anyone has any suggestions or ideas thanks

by Dismal-Instance739

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