I received from someone RTK 5th edition, and I want to practice it with Anki. However, all the decks I found online were only for the 6th edition. Unfortunately, I am on a tight budget, so buying the 6th edition is not an option. I know that there are not many changes, the most notable ones being the order in which kanji appear.
Does anyone have an Anki deck?
Thanks and 頑張れ!
I would just take the 6th edition deck. Im not sure what version of the book I have but it definitely doesnt match the anki deck. Worst case the deck just adds a couple extra kanji here and there, and learning extra definitely doesnt hurt. In any case they all use primitives that youve already been taught so theres not much reason to find a deck that matches your book. Especially if you get the deck with links to https://hochanh.github.io/rtk/ cause the stories there are often much easier to remember than heisigs anyway
IMO the best way to do RTK is via [https://kanji.koohii.com/](https://kanji.koohii.com/). It has a toggle in the user settings to switch between editions. If you want to use Anki, this user seems to have separate decks for both the old and 6th edition (I have not verified it myself though): [https://ankiweb.net/shared/byauthor/215365929](https://ankiweb.net/shared/byauthor/215365929)