‘I couldn’t say no’: anger grows over topless medical exams in Japan schools | The Guardian

‘I couldn’t say no’: anger grows over topless medical exams in Japan schools | The Guardian

by keirdre

  1. As a young girl this would be awkward enough to do in front of a female doctor… But who are we kidding, it’s likely in many cases these are old male dinosaurs demanding girls remove their tops. Not saying they’re all pervs, but the lack of empathy for what must be a very embarrassing situation is disturbing.

    Japan’s unerring fetish to maintain the status quo (in any situation) regardless of how questionable it is, is something I’ll never see eye to eye on.

  2. > “Asked if there was any medical basis for insisting that children remove their clothing to undergo a “proper” examination, Iwata said: “Not that I know of.”

    you don’t say?

    > “It might slightly improve the quality of the sound of the heartbeat, but I do not think this contributes to improving children’s health.”


  3. I’m gonna say this, I 100% guarantee and would bet every penny I have that most of these older male doctors insist on this purely to see young girls with their shirts off. It’s nothing about being “set in their ways” They know it serves no prupose

  4. Just how sick. We don’t know what the old male perv doctors do to these young girls behind the scenes as most of them are petrified to speak up and conform to “staying quiet is a virtue” rule

  5. Taking the whole shirt off is completely unnecessary. I’m a dude, lived here for 15 years and have a health check every year. All doctors tell me to raise my shirt to just below my chest to make it easy to use the stethoscope. No one has ever told me to take my shirt completely off.

    100% the doctors who are still doing this are getting their perv on.

  6. “Many doctors, especially senior ones, are conservative and they simply do not like to change their ways,”

    Sadly this is in many other industries as well. Ganko old motherfuckers!

  7. wait wtf I thought the porn videos showing this kind of shit were just imagination for perverts, not documentary.

    Whats next?? the bukkake news reporters are alsoo real???

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