Wonky rescue kitten looking for a new home.

Cinnamon is a two month old female tabby kitten looking for her forever home.

Rescued from an 30+ cat hoarding situation at six weeks old she had a rough start in life. She was brought to me with an upper respiratory infection and what we thought was a broken leg.

We took her to an orthopedic surgeon for a consult who determined that her leg was was a deformity from birth and not an injury. The vet says surgery is not necessary and she can lead a full, happy life being just a little wonky.

She is still nervous and shy around new people. She didn’t get much human interaction at the hoarder’s home. But she quickly became very sweet and loving. Her leg doesn’t seem to slow her down at all. She runs, jumps, climbs and makes biscuits with the best of them!

Cinnamon (placeholder name, can be changed but please not to Ilene!) is at my house but I’m fostering her through Kawakuji Animal Rescue so any potential adopters will have to go through their adoption process.

Cinnamon has been treated for fleas, ticks and stomach parasites and tested negative for FIV and FELV.

I’ll add some links to pics and video to pay the Cat Tax. I have a phone full of them. So, so many pics.

Thank you for reading.

  1. Damn I would love to take this little guy but already have 4 rescues already. I hope he gets adopted soon.

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