Cleaning the toilet makes you pretty

Curious whether anyone else grew up with parents telling them this (or have heard of others saying they grew with people telling them this).

  1. You’re referring to the Goddess of the toilet… or 烏枢沙摩明王(うすさまみょうおう).

    She gives blessing of beautiful children and cleansing . Yea . I know . I know.

    But I’ve heard that this is one reason people put flowers in washrooms. As offerings…
    Of course I don’t know anyone that is still religiously practicing the sacrifice of dying plants for the toilet god. But a lot of people still do it, mostly likely without knowing why except for… “Cleaning the toilet makes you beautiful”

  2. So that’s what they tell the young girls to get them onto the path of role playing excessive gender roles, is it?

  3. Cleaning the toilet makes you pretty? I must be gorgeous then because I clean the toilet every single day.

    Also I’ve never heard of this idiom.

  4. They tell the children to clean and be grateful for it because of all the rooms or facility in a house toilet is the most hardworking and take all the shit, and without it everyone will be doomed.

  5. Is that like if you pray to the invisible sky man who watches you masturbate you won’t burn for eternity in a lake of fire?

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