Permanent residence cancellation (new rules). Worried?

The immigration law (Article 22-4) has been revised to state that permanent residence may be revoked for any of the following reasons (this is NOT an exhaustive list): failure to carry your resident card at all times, failure to report changes of residence, deliberate non-payment of taxes, failure to pay social security contributions.

However, when questioned in the diet, the government stated that permanent residence would only be revoked in egregious (悪質な) cases.

Any of you guys worried or do you all trust that the immigration office will live up to the government’s commitment (their verbal promises in the diet) not to revoke permanent residence due to things like an inability to pay social security due to suddenly falling ill and/or becoming unemployed? What about forgetting your wallet (residence card) when leaving the house? Anyone worried about that? Looks like it’s all up to immigration’s discretion on a case-by-case basis

by Always2Learn

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