Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (September 13, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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  1. Just started learning yesterday so bear with me. I currently have learned most of the basic hiragana characters but I’m having trouble with the pronunciation of ふ,り,ら,ろ and る.

    From what I read ふ is a mix of hu/fu and all the others (りらろる) are a mix of r/l but I can’t seem to get the pronunciation quite right. Every time I hear them it sounds like one or the other, never an in-between.

    What’s the correct pronunciation for these mixed characters? I also speak Spanish in case it’s easier to explain it with Hispanic pronunciation.

  2. Where do you guys look up places when you see their kanji? Just google?

    It feels tricky when they’re contracted.

  3. Was wondering about this:

    > ふん。昨日のやつといい、この森には弱虫しかおらんようだな。

    For context, this is a story where some tough guy keeps beating up creatures in this forest. The creatures are supposedly fierce.

    A couple things throwing me off, what does いい mean in this context? Also what ever is おらん supposed to mean?

    Other than that, I think it might mean something like “Hmph, the guy yesterday ???, this forest has only wimps in it it seems.”

  4. What’s the best way to offer help? Like for example if you wanted to offer to help wash dishes as a guest.

  5. What do you use for the minutes when telling time? When I Google it some websites use the same convention as regular numbers – ni, san, yon, go, etc

    But in my Japanese class notes they use hitoka, futaka, mittsuka, etc

  6. I was reading NHK news and saw an odd usage of として in a given passage that talks about a Japanese man being arrested for anti-government protests in Belarus:


    Isn’t として usually used when referring to a subject from a different viewpoint (such as English “as”). Is the として here a different (the part up toロシア隣国のベラルーシで2020年の反政権デモに参加したとして) grammar construct?

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