International Driving Permit situation

I’m on the process of getting my Japanese Driver’s License, unfortunately my IDP will expire before my first scheduled Driving Test. My company asked me to get my IDP renewed and when I contacted the issuing agency back home about it they told me I can renew my IDP and drive with it because I’m not a resident of Japan and am on a working visa. Unfortunately, everything I’ve read online says that I can’t renew my IDP for driving in Japan unless I leave the country for three months and get the new IDP in my home country.

So what say you? Should I bite the bullet and get this IDP or should I tell my company that it’s gonna be an issue they need to clarify.

Help guys.

More info:

Thank you so much everyone! Sorry for the confusion, the agency inquired if I was a Japanese national AKA married and changed nationalities. I forgot to differentiate the two 😅 thank you so much for reassuring me that I wasn’t losing my mind! I’ve sent an email to my company, thank you Reddit peeps!

by No_Plastic_3228

  1. The things you are reading are correct and the people you are talking to are wrong. You can not renew a foreign IDP while in Japan; you must be out of the country for at least three months for a newly acquired IDP to be accepted here. This is true for any IDP holder, be they a non-resident tourist, a resident foreigner, or a Japanese national – and in particular, these strict requirements were instituted because of the last group.

    > I’m not a resident of Japan and am on a working visa

    If you are here on a working visa, you are a resident. The issuing authority for IDPs in your home country has no idea how residency in Japan works (and, frankly, there’s no reason they should, it’s not their business).

  2. >because I’m not a resident of Japan and am on a working visa

    You are a resident tho! And as a resident you are allowed to use your IDP or the translation of your original drivers license (depending on what country) for one year after coming to Japan, after that you will need to get your Japanese license.

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