Struggling with vegetarian diet – what would you do?

My partner and I are in Japan for the next three weeks. We’re now leaving Tokyo, where we stayed for the first few days and although we had a great time there, I can’t help but wonder what we’re are doing wrong when it comes to eating.

We’re so hungry all the time. We both don’t eat meat or fish. Of course we did the research beforehand and we use HappyCow and we buy what vegetarian snacks we can get our hands on at 7/11 and Lawson, but it has been such a struggle to find a good meal at a nice restaurant that will fill us both up. For example, yesterday we found a vegan place that left us hungry and frankly, the food was disgusting.

I really start to wonder if I should start eating fish for the first time in 14 years, what are we doing wrong? Where we are from (Netherlands) most Japanese restaurants will have enough veggie options. How can we find those here?

by MandragoraOfficinar

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