Are there any games, playable in Japanese, where key words are highlighted in another colour?

I'm looking for any games that are playable in Japanese, where key words in dialogue are highlighted in another colour. I'm looking for a way of immersion which isn't having me look up entire dialogue sections (I already do that with manga/light novels. I'm hoping that by playing something where key words are highlighted, I can look up that single word and then try and work out myself what is being said, for a more relaxed learning experiance.

For an example of what I mean here's a non-spoiler ToTK example;

by GivingItMyBest

  1. Ace Attorney games do this heavily, and part of the gameplay is actually reading and understanding what witnesses are saying, so might be what you’re looking for!

  2. Chaos;Head has a like keyword dictionary that unlocks words as you play. I think that show up kinda like that in the dialogue but it might be more difficult than you’re looking for though. Also it’s a VN so it’s basically just a light novel. But a lot of VN have that sort of feature. 

    I think the Zero Escape games might have something like that too. But might be more difficult than you want.

    I think maybe the Persona/SMT games (it’s been a while) have a similar type of thing but they don’t come up as much as the Chaos;Head ones do.

    Ni no Kuni has a similar thing too for compendium entries that show up in conversation.

  3. Sounds like you’re looking for these games because you want to enjoy things without looking stuff up every 10 seconds, and your current theory is that games that highlight particular words would be one way of doing that

    Is it really important that it’s a game or are you more looking for any experience where you could get that more relaxed immersion?

  4. I think the Another Code Remake does this!
    I also think it s the same with PKMN Mystery Dungeon DX (Team blue Remake)

  5. Are you bothered by the act of looking it up itself or your method for doing so? If you are on PC something like yomininja for instance will allow you to do it in game if its the latter.

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