Do you ever generalize homonyms with a similar meaning to make it easier to understand?

I keep hearing and reading the word かける for example. I’ve heard it be used in a bunch of contexts, with slightly varying meanings. Would it be smart to just remember one generalized definition that can work with most of its uses? Like in the case of かける could I just define it as “applying something” and that way if I hear it where it’s being used with the word blanket, applying a blanket to something is covering it so it makes sense. Or if used with “magic spell” applying a spell would be casting it so it would make sense like that as well. Jisho has a bunch of different definitions but is it practical to just generalize it?

Kind of similar question but if there’s no issue with the above example, could there be issues where it’s the same word in hiragana but the kanji is different? Can’t think of any off the top of my head but there are some words where their phonetic base is the same and maybe the radical is different or something, would generalizing their meaning make sense in a context like that as well?

by jonnycross10

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