Couple of questions about this move set up

So Momo did her package tombstone on Mercedes at capital collision, but I noticed it was different from when she does it usually.

I watched a few of her matches to prep for Mercedes vs Momo and I noticed when she uses her Tombstone (I know there's like 5 different names for that variation so I'm just going with tombstone to simplify it for now)

She usually doesn't start out in tombstone position at all or for long, so I was wondering if any of you know why she did it differently here?

Oh and also Momo checked on Mercedes after which I included there but from all the other Tombstones I saw her do, like 5 or 6 in Stardom, she never checked on her opponent so why did she do that with a veteran like Mercedes? Thx in advance for taking the time to answer!!

by ThatGirlTay1

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