Holiday falling on a regular day off

Hey everyone.

I recently started working a new job (thank you for the help in my last post!). I am salaried, and my work week is Tuesday through Saturday. In my contract, it says that I get national holidays paid off. However, the national holiday next Monday falls on a regular day off. Since it’s already a day off for me, do I get any type of benefit? I feel like since the holiday is on an already scheduled day off, I should be entitled to some type of holiday, but I’m not sure.

I asked my manager and he is going to look into it, but I’m curious if anyone has any advice or has been in a similar situation.

  1. As far as I’m aware, you’re just out of luck. I have some coworkers who have Sunday Monday off, and a lot of holidays fall on Monday. They don’t get another day off to compensate for it.

  2. You should get a day off in lieu if that happens. Seems like a raw deal to not get a day off.

    Even when I worked at a dodgy eikaiwa chain we got that.

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