Prescription drugs that are not explicitly controlled but are new/may not yet be approved in Japan

I take 0.5mg/1mg Jorveza oral disintegrating tablets indefinitely. I have a prescription for it to control a rare chronic condition, used on-label, its active ingredient is Budesonide, an old drug but a fairly new method of delivery

I can find various forms of budesonide listed here but not the OD tablets I need:
and it is not listed in the controlled substances page:

Since there is no mention of the specific 0.5mg or 1mg OD tablets, nor is there any mention of the trade name "Jorveza" or ジョルヴェザ (unless I translated it wrong). If I were to move to Japan on a long term basis how would one obtain this? Can a Japanese doctor prescribe it if I bring my lab results and get a re-diagnosis in Japan? even if the drug isn't known there? If the drug isn't available in Japan can I get a prescription and it imported?

I may be misunderstanding and the medical insurance list is only for generic drugs, if someone with better Japanese knows. Looking on google for related terms in either language reveal very few Japanese sites, maybe they are simply not aware of the drug as its a new drug that only passed trials 4 years ago and approved in most countries less than 3 years ago.

I can't live comfortably without it nor do alternative treatments work so if its not available there's no point in wasting time and money on these long term plans.

Price doesn't matter, I just want to know if its possible to legally obtain it on an ongoing basis long term within Japan some way or another?

by GoldenVHS

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