what are some really useful / helpful things you’ve done

Specifically somewhat easy and practical things that have made your life better, so I’m not including learning Japanese, diet and exercise, finding the right partner, PR, etc (although those are very good things too).  Got any? I’m trying not to use the word “hack” but….Here are some ones I can think of and wish I had known/done sooner:

-got an e-bicycle: use it all the time, have saved so much not taking the train or taxis 

-got a cheap slow cooker/crock pot and buy meat when discounted, freeze it, and can have some really nice, easy and cheap meals.  also great for summer when it’s too hot to cook, as it doesn’t heat up the kitchen and requires minimal prep

-washable Uniqlo suit is lightweight and saves me on dry cleaning bills

-changed from Softbank to an “MVNO” (in my case Mineo): so much cheaper + easier to navigate the homepage, nothing is hidden

-Wise account + Wise debit card for international travel

-switched NHI/tax/pension payments and utilities to automatic withdrawal (bank or credit card) 

-weird one maybe, but lightly soaking my (shortsleeved) shirt in water right before going out in the summer, it actually makes being outside bearable for about 20min and beats any other method i’ve tried.  uhhh, maybe only possible for men…

-travel with a small extension cord, a lot of older Japanese hotels or almost any ryokan might only have one outlet far away from anything 


-“looop” for electricity and gas?

-CSA-style box of vegetable/fruit deliveries

-furusato-nozei, although I have some doubts about the whole system

by ChillyGut

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