Going to suburban bars when you don’t speak Japanese well

So, I moved to Japan in early July. I am now in an apartment out in suburban Sapporo (near Shin-Sapporo if that means anything to anyone).
I'm working for an American company while here, and also studying Japanese. Right now, I'm studying for N4, and my speaking and listening is still rough, getting better, but rough. For work, I have mostly English during work hours, excepting when I'm working with people on site but they have a translator during that time. I am slowly talking there, but I'm only on site once a week.

I want to find a way to just talk to people in a casual environment, and there are a ton of bars near me. What's the social acceptability of me, as a foreigner, in the suburbs, just going in and having some beers and trying to talk a bit?

Is this even a good way to practice? I have all these ways of practicing reading and writing, even listening on the radio, but I really want to find a way to speak more and I want to emphasize that. Maybe this is just me being too self-conscious about my language level. Feel free to call me a wiener if so.

Also, I'm lonely, and so a bar sounds nice.

by BestUsedCarSales

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