7/11 no longer has free Wifi?

I noticed awhile ago, but it seems like (all) 7/11's no longer have free wifi..

Is there a reason, or are other convenience stores the same?

I never really cared, but if I went to a 7/11 and needed to use wifi I knew I was fine.

Even had a period between phone contracts where I NEEDED the free wifi.

by celetrontmm

  1. 7/11 and I believe Family Mart as well got rid of their free wifi during COVID.

    It was nice to have while it lasted….

  2. You have issues getting free wifi? Every station, mall, sometimes just areas in general constantly tries to get me to connect to wifi. Unless it was a rural conbini, that would be the last place I’d bother for wifi since everywhere else shoves it down my throat .

  3. Also, Denny’s is held by 7&i holdings, and they got rid of their wifi during Covid as well. Seems crazy that the number of wifi cafes/restaurants seems to have decreased over time. I guess there were enough people abusing it, but wild that we’re going backwards.

  4. I think the wifi was a big push for the olympics, they got rid of it during covid and it never came back.

  5. They shut it down as of March 31, 2022. Famima shut their’s down a few months later at the end of July. AFAIK Lawson still has free WiFi at most locations. Enjoy a からあげクン and some free WiFI. 🙂

    Other options would be places like Starbucks, McDonald’s, some train stations (some lines have WiFi at all stations, some have none at all…), and some libraries.

  6. They did? I don’t think I’ve ever used it except for maybe a few times in Tokyo in like 2019. Granted, I live in the sticks now so…

  7. I never used it but noticed my local 711 always has at least 5 spots taken with people just sitting in their cars on their phones (not sure if using wifi) so maybe they only got rid of it in certain places. Ill ask when i go later on today.

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