Is jinmeiyō kanji used in pet names?

I am not even a beginner, because i am not learning language, but i am a writer. And i need to know the pronunciation of kanji in pet's name. Is pronunciation in pet's name different from usual or it's uses jinmeiyō like in human's name? And do people name their pets like 夜 or it's strange like as if you name a human with it, then it will be considered as a strange name?

by Honmii

1 comment
  1. Much like in English, you can name your pet whatever you want. Some are named for food, others have traditional names (equivalent to Fido or Rex, et al.), and quite a few have human names.

    And if their owner wants to write down their names in kanji, then they use the same symbols as anyone else. It’s still more common to see them in hiragana and katakana, tho.

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