Number of words beginning/ending with a vowel

Hi! My search abilities failed me, so I appeal to this subreddit.

I’d like to ask a very specific question: how many words (or an approximation of those numbers) in Japanese begin/end with a vowel and don’t end/begin in a vowel, and begin and end with a vowel?

Thanks in advance!

  1. There aren’t any Japanese words that don’t end in a vowel (since moras structure is strictly CV), with only one (actually rather frequent) exception which is the moraic nasal ん. For specific numbers, if nobody else knows any sources and you can’t find anything googling maybe try writing a script to analyze [JMdict]( or a similar data set

    Also, this is just a shot in the dark, but since you’re pretty active on /r/Tengwar, does this have anything to do with developing a Japanese mode? If so I did already did that a while ago, but never published it

  2. A round about way of finding the answer to your question would be to go to [goo辞書]( and select 「で始まる」 to search words that begin with a certain character, in this case one of the vowels. I assume when you say vowels, you’re just referring to 「あいうえお」. Anyways, this site will tell you the number of results in a search. To do a search for words ending with a particular character, just select 「で終わる」 when making your search. Repeat the process and add up the results.

    For example, I search words that begin with 「あ」 and it said that there were 12,525 results. Granted, there are many duplicates, and somethings may not really be considered a word. It’s bit tedious doing this for every vowel.

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