Does anybody actually wash their clothes at 11:00pm? Is it actually less expensive if you wash at 11:00pm and past or is it just a myth???

My dad in a business English teacher and one day he heard from one of his learners that it costs less to use the laundry machine at 11:00pm and past and said “that’s why a lot of Japanese do laundry at 11:00”. We started doing it but forgot to check if our water bill decreased so I’m asking if this is actually true.

by Ropo040107

  1. I don’t think it has anything to do with water bill, I think it’s to do with electricity bill. I don’t think it’s just in Japan, I’m sure other country may have similar system, that the price of electricity maybe different at different time of the day, like it’s cheaper during less demand time like middle of the night.

  2. Huh, I actually never looked this up in Japan, but I guess check with your local electricity provider.

    In my native Switzerland, many have an off-peak tariff period, where the electricity is cheaper, so any appliance that uses electricity is cheaper to operate between late evening and early morning (and often all Sunday or even all weekend long, but I doubt that’s the case in Japan where almost everything is operated 7 days a week). I always try to do my laundry on Sunday and turn on my washing machine before I go to bed.

    But yea, the reason is that much less electricity is used at night, so there’s an abundance usually.

  3. Who has time to do this? Especially during winter when the sunlight hours are limited.

    Someone is winding you up or just weird

  4. It’s not the water bill, it’s the electricity bill that’s cheaper during the night/early morning hours depending on your energy provider and the plan you’re subscribed to. The caveat is, to make up for the discount you get during the night time, they jack up the prices during the day. So, depending on your family’s lifestyle and whether there’s anyone home during daytime hours using electricity, you might end up paying more in total for the month than you would have were you subscribed to a regular plan. Again, depending on the provider and the plan.

    If you’re subscribed to a plan that gives you night time discount, it’s a good idea to invest in a home battery so you can charge it up during cheap hours and then run the house off that when they jack up prices during the day time hours.

  5. Depends on your contract with the electricity provider, evenings and weekends are usually cheaper, but how much, and what the cutoff times are will differ.

  6. How much cheaper could it possible be ? Is it worth staying up that late to do laundry ? 🤷😂

    Like honestly, how much you gonna save a month? 1-2000円?

  7. We’re not allowed to make loud noise, including running washing machines past 10pm in my apartment (and all my previous apartments), so no.

  8. It might also be a factor of what time people get home, unless we’re talking about weekends.

    I have two patterns.
    1) Wash in the morning. Hang out the laundry as the sun comes up.
    2) Wash at night, and hang out the laundry so it’s already out when the sun comes up.
    Just remember to check the weather.

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