Does moving to Japan make sense for me?

Alright so the laat couple of weeks I have read a lot of posts on here from people coming here, looking up expected salaries, type of companies that are good, … However I still want an honest opinion on whether the move is a good idea in my case

I just graduated with a master's in computer science (AI specialization), from a Belgian uni. I also just passed N1. I have already started applying to some jobs and got an invitation for an interview (for an AI startup that would pay 8+ mil). Ideally I would want 6-7mil at least to have similar saving capabilty as I would have here, basically reducing the financial risk. Also it would have to be a company which is "westernized" enough.

Last year I visited and I loved everything about the country. The way people are friendly (even if it's just tatemae), how well organized everything is (even though there's a lot of bureaucracy), how the cities look, the food, music, Izakaya's, karaoke, hell even the language itself I just love.

I do feel sad about leaving my friends though. But I feel like I could join clubs (powerlifting if such a club exists), and go to bars alone or something to build up a support network.

So with all that said, should I try moving?

by Hououin_Kyouma77

  1. Yes. You have everything you need to make a good go of it here – CompSci, N1 and it seems like you want to work in AI which is pretty hot in Tokyo right now.

    Where are you looking for jobs? Check TokyoDev, maybe also the Tokyo AI community.

    6-8M should be achievable even as a fresh graduate considering your language abilities. Try and get above 10M as soon as you can, might need a job change in a while but stay connected in meetups etc and you’ll get there.

    Good luck!

  2. Wow, for once someone really doing things 100% properly.

    Go for it, the absolute worst that can happen is that you try, don’t like it and go home and continue with a shitload of vital life experience and the satisfaction that you tried.

    The upside potential is limitless.

  3. Huge congrats on passing N1! That’s a big deal.

    Keep in mind that Japanese companies usually don’t hire any ITs who have less than 2-3 years of experience.
    If you want stability I highly recommend to get a job at a long-term existing company (at least 10-15 years since their launch).

    I wish you great success on your adventure.

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