Help with CATS needed!

My wife and I currently live in a village with 10 people and about 12 cats. We have already taken on 4 of them to live in our house, but the rest are strays that live outdoors. We have neutered all of them and keep feeding them, but we are worried about what might happen when we have to move from here…because we are the only ones caring for them. (And the winters here in Niigata are very harsh)
This is why I am writing in order to inquire, if you would be interested in adopting a cat (or multiple cats), or if you know of anyone that would take on a cat? Any info or help regarding this topic would be greatly appreciated, by us & the cats.

We are aware of cat-network, but would like to solve things privately at first. Cat-network seems to require all of the cats to get more checkups and the proper paperwork done, which we can't afford at the moment.



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