I taught some of my students how to juggle when I was an ALT.

This is probably just me going down memory lane here. But back when I was an ALT I taught some of my students outside of class how to juggle. I don't know… it was probably some dumb, spur of the moment thing.

But nowadays, when I think back on being an ALT I remember that. Sure, I remember some good lessons that came out of "teaching" in Japan. But what I honestly remember the most is teaching that one student years ago how to juggle. And then a few years later his sister came along and remarked that I'd taught her older brother to juggle that same way.

I know a lot of shit gets tossed around here about how being an ALT or whatever is a low-skilled job… but really, in the end… it's what you make of it. I often miss being an ALT… I definitely don't miss the BS company bureaucracy nonsense.

But I can look back from time to time and smile.

by OfficiallyRelevant

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