Another one. Address registration on seperation.


Going through separation. No divorce proceedings have started yet.

Living in apartment registered in wifes name, but I pay the rent and all the bills. She's already moved out (to a different ward).

She hasn't changed her own registration or koseki etc yet. Even though I'm still living in the apartment (convenient for now), she keeps threatening to cancel the contract which would force me to move out.

What happens when she registers in new ward, can she do that by herself, or does she still need to add me to any new koseki etc?

If I move out (or am forced to), would I be forced to notify city hall, and reregister, or would I need to register a new city hall? And how would that work, being still married and so on. I'd probably actually change wards myself also if this was the case.

How would living expenses work? Would she be able to claim living expenses from me if living separately? And I'm guessing tax/insurance details would change?

I'd like to avoid reregistering and moving out atmo, is there any knowledge I should perhaps know I can use to help me, or avoid problems down the line? I've read it would look very bad for her as her moving out and cancelling contract would be removing me from marital home, and also counts as abandonment from her part.

There's no domestic abuse or any other points.

This won't be an amicable divorce. Most likely through courts because of cheating and other toxic traits. Providing mediation fails, what sort of time frames are we looking at? I don't yet have proof but can probably get some via PI. Happy to see it all the way through through mediation and courts, money isn't the issue. Out of interest, if anyone here been through mediation and courts and has any advice, I'm all ears. Dm's included.

I don't have PR. Is there anything I'd need to do immigration wise if she re-registers without me, or I'm forced to leave this apartment?

TY for reading.

Edit: I've already been to city hall and signed papers to say I have to be present for any divorce filings.

Edit 2: No kids involved.

by Illogical_Breakfast

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