Young man yelling at middle aged woman: Bus ride from hell

Is this relatively common behavior in Tokyo?

Fukuoka resident here on a trip to Tokyo right now. While I know people in Kyushu are much kinder than people from Tokyo, I witnessed something shocking.

On a bus in Roppongi I was taking a route towards a more business office area. I enter the bus and there’s two seats available by two businessmen and one priority seat left. There’s also one seat on the back of the bus I could squeeze into between a young woman and a middle aged woman, so I sit there since I myself am a woman and I automatically usually sit beside other women.

This young 30-ish looking man comes into the bus after me and decides to sit at the back of the bus with me and the two other women. The middle aged lady gives him the most brutal glare ever lol. He asks her to scoot towards the window seat so he can squeeze in. She looks at him silently for awhile and then obliges.

Here’s the twist, he starts scolding her. “Why do you think I shouldn’t sit here, what’s with your look?”. She answers “There are plenty of other seats”. He gets really angry at this point and SHOUTS “you don’t own this bus! Who do you think you are?”. She’s still not reacting that much and just says “Hah?!”. This makes him scream “What do you mean Hah!!”. That’s when she starts YELLING about him being rude and he shouts back back and forth.

Like what the fuck? During lunch time at a business area with everyone including the fighting people in office uniforms. The bus driver just kinda looked behind but didn’t say anything. Back in Fukuoka the bus driver would’ve definitely said something in the intercom. Is this rudeness towards strangers somewhat more common in Tokyo?

by cybersodas

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