Weekly Thread: Study Buddy Tuesdays! Introduce yourself and find your study group! (September 10, 2024)

Happy Tuesdays!

Every Tuesday, come here to Introduce yourself and find your study group! Share your discords and study plans. Find others at the same point in their journey as you.

Weekly Thread changes daily at 9:00 EST:

Mondays – Writing Practice

Tuesdays – Study Buddy and Self-Intros

Wednesdays – Materials and Self-Promotions

Thursdays – Victory day, Share your achievements

Fridays – Memes, videos, free talk

by AutoModerator

  1. Hello, I am planning on no life-ing studying Japanese in preparation for my upcoming trip to Tokyo in November. It’s my second time there and my goal is to be able to become decently conversational to make things convenient, and ideally be able to chat up bartenders in small whisky bars. For this 2-month sprint, I will be focusing on becoming conversational alone and will not be prioritizing reading and writing.

    I’ve been trying to learn Japanese on and off for the past year and a half so I do have a bit of the basics down. But as with anything I stop for a while, I tend to forget most things so I rely on reviewing my notes or restarting some chapters on the books I’m using. I wouldn’t call myself N5 because I haven’t even taken the exam but I can read Katakana and Hiragana (and a bit of Kanji – level 6 in Wanikani) and I can construct basic sentences in writing (not speaking) and know how to conjugate. 

    My schedule currently looks like this: (8-10 hours daily, divided according to need)

    Basic (Week 1-2)

    1. Basic Vocab and Phrases (Anki)
    2. Basic Grammar (Genki 1)
    3. Listening Practice (JapanesePod 101)
    4. Speaking Practice (Tandem/Hellotalk)

    Expanding Skills (Week 3-4)

    1. Intermediate Vocab and Phrases (Bunpro/Wanikani)
    2. Intermediate Grammar (Genki 2/Cure Dolly)
    3. Listening Practice (NHK News Web Easy)
    4. Speaking Practice (iTalki)

    Advanced Practice (Week 5-8+)

    1. Advanced Vocab and Phrases (Bunpro/Wanikani)
    2. Advanced Grammar (Tae Kim/Cure Dolly)
    3. Listening Practice (Japanese TV Shows/Anime)
    4. Speaking Practice (iTalki)

    I am trying to change my approach to Japanese (compared to what I did for Spanish) so I’m aiming to devote half up to two-thirds of my time to Comprehensible Input. 

    If this plan looks similar to yours, feel free to hit me up so we can form a little discord group for accountability or practice. Thanks!

  2. Hello i want to ask why 田 kanji in山田 is read as yama(da) and 田中 is read as (ta)naka.

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