Is Akamonkai Japanese language school a good school ?

Hello everyone, I will intend Akamonkai on October for 9 months and I wanted to have your reviews and personal experience. I will be in the school’s dorm. As a beginner (only knowing katakana, hiragana and a few kanji) what level can I expect after 9 months ? I am willing to take the fast class at first and see if it’s too hard for me.

Also did you take a part time job and is it compatible with that fast pace.

  1. I have no experience with this school, but I would not be considering going into the fast class if all I knew was what you described, personally. Interested to see what you achieve in 9 months though, please post an update for when you are maybe a month or two into the course!

  2. I hear it’s brutal and mainly geared to other Asian students who are already a decently high level. Only heard bad things.

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