Am I the only one who gets mildly annoyed when someone labels ALTing ‘unskilled work’?

I'm not going to sit here and litigate wherever we're all secretly doctors or if we're actually JTE's in disguise. We're not. I'm also aware 'unskilled' is just a label for jobs that don't requires specific specialised training. Care work also gets labelled this way.

I've had a fair number of jobs, in a fair number of industries. Everything from cleaning to industrial design. This included the TRUELY unskilled. Standing at an assembly line placing lids on pies. Removing rust from gates, things like that.

There is room to be an excellent ALT. Sure plenty are here for the holiday, or foot in the door yada yada. But plenty are T1 in the classroom in all but paycheck, and my BoE sends us on regular training etc. I actively try to hone my teaching skills. Take on more responsibility where possible. In general just try to be better. Exactly the same as when I've had 'skilled jobs'.

Just a mild gripe.

by joehighlord

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