Advice on choosing a language school in Tokyo/Yokohama!

Hi all,

I’m planning to enroll in language school in Japan this coming April 2025 for 1 year (possibly 2 if I decide to extend my studies). I’ve done extensive research into schools myself, and have been in contact with GoGoNihon about schools as well. I’m specifically looking in Tokyo and the surrounding area for a medium intensity school (please do not suggest other schools or regions). I’m currently trying to make a final decision on which school to apply to, but I’ve been struggling to make a choice. I feel like there’s not a lot of good info available, and a lot of the existing info is old (a lot of reddit reviews are pretty old) or unreliable (like google reviews, which are usually just trashing the place).

I’ve narrowed down my options to these 5 schools, and I would appreciate input from anyone who’s attended or knows anything more about them:

  • Yokohama Design College (especially looking for info/personal experiences with this school)
  • Toyo Language School
  • Intercultural Institute of Japan
  • ALA Academy
  • ARC Academy Tokyo & Shinjuku

(I have heard great things about KCP as well but it’s a bit pricier and it seems very intense as well.)

About me

Some of you might have questions about me so I figured I’d give slightly more info about myself here. I’m 23, from the USA, high school graduate, some college but no degree, currently working. I studied Japanese in high school for a bit and then picked it back up again about 6 months ago. Currently taking lessons with a tutor and self studying. I will be taking the JLPT N5 in December (and hopefully passing). I’m not entirely sure what I want to do after language school, but higher education is definitely an option. 

Here are some of my current thoughts these schools:

Yokohama Design College

(I have seen youtuber Akidearest’s videos on this school, that’s how I first found it, so please don’t link me those)


  • Shared facilities with vocational school, more opportunity for interaction with Japanese speakers
  • Located in Yokohama, still a bigger city and close to Tokyo, but perhaps not as touristy more chill
  • School facilities seem to be nice and well maintained


  • Haven’t found many reviews (outside of promo videos)

TOYO Language School


  • Quieter location, but still in Tokyo, possibly cheaper living/shorter commute not being in central Tokyo 
  • School seems to have nice facilities


  • TOYO uses their own textbook created by the school, this seems like something that could be VERY hit or miss.
  • They seem to have 5 different course categories/paths to choose from within the language school depending on what you plan to do after language school: Professional Training College, University, Graduate School, Art University, or Employment Prep. (This is generally a Pro, but considering that I don’t quite know what I want to do after Language school it might be Con for me?)

Intercultural Institute of Japan


  • Larger western student base, more accustomed to teaching westerners?


  • Facilities/ school building seems older, more crowded
  • Located in Akihabara, very touristy/busy area, probably going to have to have a longer commute as central Tokyo is expensive
  • Tuition is on the pricier end

ALA Academy


  • Very multicultural student base
  • More focus on conversion (this is good but I’m concerned that it might put learning reading/writing on the back burner too much?)
  • Seems to have good reviews


  • Study pace seems to be slower, described as more relaxed (I'm worried it might be too relaxed?)
  • Older facilities/school building doesn’t seem have many windows in videos
  • Located in central Tokyo, again probably going to have to have a longer commute as central Tokyo is expensive

ARC Academy Tokyo & Shinjuku


  • Seems to fit my basic requirement but haven’t found too much more info
  • School facilities seem nice


  • Some reviews say it’s very strict/demanding
  • Both locations are in central Tokyo, again probably going to have to have a longer commute as central Tokyo is expensive

Anyone who's read this far thanks for taking the time, I appreciate it!

by ValentineGhosts

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