Late Oct Trip – Refinement Needed (Tokyo/Kyoto/Osaka/Hiroshima/Fukuoka)

  • This is my first time going overseas and i've taken extra caution to not Overplan.
  • I have pinned many places that has piqued my interest on google maps so if i cant find anything to do in a given moment I have a fallback.

  • Definitely not trying to do absolutely everything as I want to keep things for an inevitable future trip.

  • However given the few gaps I have I thought I'd post what I've got here and potentially get some suggestions.
    Anime/Gaming/Food/Culture/Thrifting or just anything that seems extra unique.

Starting Late October to Mid November

Day 1: Tokyo

  • Arrive late afternoon
  • eSIM/Cards/Money Etc
  • Train To Tokyo/Shinjuku To Checkin
  • Chill for the rest of the night around the immediate area

Day 2: Tokyo

  • Skytree/Pokemon Center/Shops/Explore till midday
  • Kappabashi/Knife shopping
  • Go!Go!Curry Ueno
  • Probably late afternoon so just explore/chill
  • Stumble upon something for dinner

Day 3: Tokyo

  • Train to Yokohama
  • Cup Noodle Museum
  • Yokohama Chinatown for lunch
  • Explore Yokohama
  • Late afternoon back to tokyo chill/explore

Day 4: Tokyo/Mt Fuji

  • Checkout from hotel
  • Bus from Tokyo to Kawaguchiko
  • Checkin at new hotel
  • Explore Mt Fuji & Surrounds
  • Find somewhere for Dinner
  • Chill

Day 5: Mt Fuji/Kyoto

  • Get up early to view Mt Fuji just because
  • Bus from Kawaguchiko to Mishima
  • Quick visit somewhere for food
  • Train from Mishima to Kyoto
  • Checkin to hotel
  • Use the fact the Jidai Matsuri Festival is on to hopefully get out to Arashiyama while there are less people around
  • Explore/Find somewhere for Dinner

Day 6: Kyoto

  • Early morning visit to Kiyomizu-dera
  • Explore/Find somewhere for Lunch
  • Nintendo Museum Reservation
  • Exploration/Find somewhere for dinner

Day 7: Kyoto/Fukuoka

  • Early morning visit to Fushimi-Inari
  • Checkout from Hotel
  • Train to Fukuoka
  • Checkin to Hotel
  • Chill/Explore/Visit some second hand stores
  • Visit the food stalls for dinner

Day 8: Fukuoka/Seoul

  • Checkout from Hotel
  • Boat from Fukuoka to Busan
  • Find some food
  • Train from Busan to Seoul
  • Checkin to Hotel
  • Relax at hotel for the rest of the day

Day 9: Seoul

Day 10: Seoul

Day 11: Seoul > Busan

Day 12: Busan/Miyajima

  • Boat from Busan to Fukuoka
  • Find something to eat
  • Train from Fukuoka to Hiroshima
  • Train/Bus/Boat from Hiroshima to Miyajima
  • Checkin to Ryokan
  • Spend the rest of the day at the Ryokan/Relax

Day 13: Miyajima/Hiroshima

  • Day trip to Hiroshima
  • Atomic Bomb Dome/Peace Musuem/Hiroshima Castle etc
  • Find somewhere for a late lunch
  • Chill/Explore/Visit some second hand stores
  • Back to Miyajima Accomodation for Dinner
  • Rest of the night spent at Accomodation/Relaxing

Day 14: Miyajima/Osaka

  • Checkout as late as possible
  • Miyajima > Hiroshima > Osaka
  • Checkin to Hotel
  • Late lunch at Jouroku Ramen
  • Explore/Chill

Day 15: Osaka

  • Half day spent going to and visiting Nara
  • ??? Find somewhere else Nara/Osaka Adjacent to spend second half of the day

Day 16: Osaka

  • Early morning Osaka Castle & Surrounds
  • Explore

Day 17: Osaka

  • Shopping day just general walk around Osaka and buy stuff

Day 18: Osaka/Tokyo

  • Checkout of Hotel
  • Train from Osaka to Tokyo
  • Checkin to Hotel (Shibuya)
  • Explore surrounding area/Find Food

Day 19: Tokyo

  • Bar 84 Reservation Midday near Shibuya
  • General shopping day in Shibuya
  • Radio Eva/Nintendo/Pokemon/Capcom etc etc
  • Find dinner

Day 20: Tokyo

  • Day in Akihabara??

Day 21: Tokyo

  • Day trip to Hachioji
  • second hand stores
  • Tokyo Fuji Art Museum
  • Mitsui Outlet Park
  • Back in Tokyo for dinner/Explore

Day 22: Tokyo

  • Day trip to Nakano
  • ??
  • ??

Day 23: Tokyo

  • ??
  • ??
  • ??

Day 24

  • Flight home late afternoon

by ZaccieA

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