Driving License Expiring

Hey Everyone,

My driver's license is expiring next year and I'm thinking about going home to renew it in December. I'm also thinking about doing another year in the JET program so I was wondering if I'll be able to change my license to the Japanese one if I renew it. I'm from one of the states that doesn't require me to take the written or driving test.

The JAF website, states "The applicant must be able to prove that he or she stayed in the issuing country for at least three months in total after obtaining the license." I saw this and was a little worried about this. So, I was wondering, should I apply now, while it states that I had my license for a while or should I wait til I renew my license? Please let me know because I know the process of converting your license takes a while and I want to get started ASAP.

Thank you!

by Famous_Sweet1856

  1. Japan won’t take your old US license (so you can just renew your old license and not tell them you have a Japanese license) and since you’re from one of the states that doesn’t require a written/practical exam in Japan they also don’t require a written/practical exam when converting your Japanese license to a local one (Japan offers reciprocity in terms of drivers licenses – they will give citizens of your state the exact same conditions they give Japanese citizens).

    So get the Japanese license (driving on an IDP longer than 1 year as a resident is strictly verboten and will result in bad things happening) and convert it back to a US license when you go home. It takes about 1-2 hours as you do the eye test and wait for them to print your new license.

  2. You’ll just need your old and new license to convert it, if you do it after December. Along with proof, Transcripts, bills, etc that show the dates you lived in the states. 

    I was from a state I had to take both tests. But I renewed my license when I visited home after 3 years living in Japan. 

    At the Driving Center, I brought my new and old license along with my University Transcripts. 

  3. obtaining licence as in your first issued licence. they want proof of you staying 3 months after you got your first issued licence.

    do/can you proof that 3 months i.e. university transcript, bills, dmv records, passports etc. ?

    if you have that now, you can just exchange it to Japanese Licence. if not , go back renew your soon to be expired US licnce, get all those 3months proof while you back home.

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