Need advice on who to speak to about a work issue

My employer is trying to dismiss me without notice—having received no written warning or disciplinary action—because I had a few sick days for illness I caught at work.

My contract doesn’t state a probationary period. The clause for dismissal requires 3 written warnings and the one for immediate dismissal says I have to be harming the company, endangering others, or illegal activity. The clause for generally breaking contract assures 30 days notice from either party.

The idea they can turn around and say ‘we’re letting you go, today’ doesn’t sit right. What I don’t know is who to speak to if they refuse to engage on the issue.

More concerning, they’ve been treading water on my status of residency change process after insisting they handle it. So I’m now a month and a half into working on what is probably the wrong designation.

by Biscuit_Prime

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