Can I be denied the WHV/WV for having hypothyroidism and OCD?

Hello! I'm planning to apply for a working holiday visa in the future, maybe the working visa if I enjoy the stay. I've been researching the requirements, but it only mentions "being in good health." I would like to know if having hypothyroidism and OCD could disqualify me from getting the visa, noting that I am on medication for it. Thanks!

by _p3arl

1 comment
  1. The “being in good health” typically just involves getting your doctor to sign a letter that you’re fit for travel. If your doctor agrees that your conditions are well-managed, it will be fine.

    I don’t think that you even need to go into your specific conditions when writing the letter.

    Make sure you do some research beforehand about whether the medications you’re on are legal in Japan, and make sure you have some way to get your hands on them while in the country.

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