Unpopular opinion: Tsuji should ditch Marlowe Crash

Sorry, but I am not a fan of this move for Tsuji, and I have several reasons:

  • big guys cannot do certain moves as well as smaller wrestlers, and a Double Stomp is the epitome of that. Davey Richards' and Low Ki's Stomps were beautiful. Finn Balor's is really good. Alberto Del Rio's was not. The reason is the weight – Tsuji is too big to extend (or tuck rather) his knees all the way to his head, and to get the hang time necessary to make this move seem devastating.

  • takes too long to do it. Suspension of disbelief is a non-factor these days, but come on. Between Tsuji jumping, positioning on the ropes, diving off and actually making the contact it feels like an eternity passes.

  • Spear is way more simple, but he can do it on anyone, it can be sold 194740 different ways and fits the gimmick better. MC is just needlessly fancy.

  • finally, and this is THE reason, it's beyond easy to botch. If heavens forbid Tsuji did botch it, the consequences could be gruesome, considering the nature of the move. Not only that, but the guy receiving the move could get clipped in the head like poor Jesse Sorenson did and it'd be the end of a career.

Just stick to Gene Blaster and give this move to a Junior that could actually make it look like an arrow is coming down from the sky to impale you.

by [deleted]

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