I’m a student who’s recently moved to Tokyo. I’m not at all happy with the dorms as the rooms are super tiny while the shared bathrooms and showers are just generally not pleasant to use. So, I am looking for an apartment I can rent that is somewhat close/can easily get to/is in Meguro and is at or below a 100,000 JPY price point per month. What websites should I use? Should I hire a real-estate agent? Should I just sleep on the floor at a friend’s in Asakusa? Where should I look for that’s cheap? I’ve also heard that some hotels, due to the tourism decline, have converted themselves into dorms or apartments.
1 comment
I prefer to use [suumo.jp](https://suumo.jp), but any major real estate site should be fine, as most places should turn up on all of them. I’m not familiar with prices in Meguro, but 100’000 should be more than enough for a 1K.