3 months part time job – employer wants to enroll me in company insurance and withdraw from NHI.

I got an email from my part-time job employer that asks me to withdraw from NHI and National pension system (NPS) before next month as they will enroll me into the company insurance and pension system next month.

The thing is, I don't know if this is a good move for me?

Based on my low income last year, my NHI premium is minimal (i'm a student until next month).
To my understanding, the company insurance premium isn't computed from last year's income but based on the salary I'm going to earn (which is approximately 100,000 yen per month).

I'm going to work with this company for 3 months.
My understanding is that the national pension plan has an exemption system for unemployed and low-income earners. I think I may qualify for it. But I switch to the company pension system, I think they'll deduct the usual amount, so the insurance+pension deductions may reach 30-50% of my expected salary if I switch (number based on my friend's deductions. he works full-time there)

Forgoing my current lower premium on the NHI and the exemption possibility from the NPS feels unwise to me. The 30,000-50,000 yen of deductions from a 100,000 yen part-time job are significant chunk for a short-period employment.

Does anybody have experience in similar situations?
Should I ask to remain in the NHI/NPS if possible?

(knowing that I may get the 3 month's worth of pension back during the lump-sum withdrawal when i leave japan eventually, I can live with that if I must. It's the lower premium on the NHI that I am hesitant to let go).

by AlMeets

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