Secondary employment working hour limits

I’m posting this on the r/Japan subreddit because r/Japanlife is handing out bans like they’re cotton candy.

I’m gonna create a scenario here. Let’s just say that I’m an American translator currently working in Japan. I think my salary isn’t enough, and I wish to do part-time translation work. The part-time work I’m willing to do is covered by my visa, so I don’t have to ask for additional approvements.

In this scenario, does the secondary job need to follow the 28 hours per week rule, or no?

  1. the 28 hour thing is only for people on student visas and dependents. They CAN NOT work more than 28 hours a week because they need to study and attend class to fulfill the terms of their visa. Dependents are required to remain dependent on the person that sponsors their visa.

  2. Here is what you do. Go to the tax office and file the blue form, making yourself a sole-proprietor in Japan. This allows you to have some additional deductions here like rent (for work from home), buying suits (needed for work), or whatever books and supplies you need. There are more deductions possible to, but you can look it up.

    Do your work in Japan. Do your online work in US. Make sure you file your US taxes annually indicating both Japan and US work. You wont pay any US tax on the JP work as you’ll be making less than 120,000 USD annually. You will pay tax on the US income.

    If you are an ALT (Instructor visa) then you are limited so go get permission to engage in other activities, specifically Humanities visa work (tutoring, translation, consulting). If you are already on Humanites, fine.

    Also, when you file your Japan taxes, you will need to declare your US income, but you are a mini-business so you would have a variety of income sources. You will pay JP tax on the US income, but again, as a business, you can deduct business expenses; like that new laptop, or a flight ticket to visit overseas client.

  3. I got a ban from there too so I sympathize.

    The answer to this question depends on your visa type. Are you planning to go on a student visa? Working visa? Spouse visa?

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