Why Jake Lee is a perfect addition to War Dogs

Ever since the big addition happened, a lot of people have been against Jake in BC, saying he doesn't look, act or even wrestle like the other War Dogs. Unfortunately, these people are missing a key ingredient as to why this actually works. Jake, Dave and Gedo are the only War Dogs that are actually evil. They're bad dudes. They're reprehensible human beings. They don't care about the fans. All of the other War Dogs do:

  • Drilla Moloney always embraces the fans on his way to the ring, and has that Scott Hall energy of "he's a prick, but he's our prick." He's cheeky, but not evil.

  • Clark Connors is a sus cowboy that just wants to party, beat people up and snort some powder.

  • Alex Coughlin.

  • Gabe Kidd is a guy pretending to be a villain, when all he wants is the adulation of the fans, since he loves the promotion so much. Recently, he's started to embrace his popularity more and more.

When War Dogs started, Finlay said he wanted killers and savages who can bring him gold and bodies. Clark, Drilla and Gabe are certainly capable of that and have brought gold, but they want to be liked. They came through the system, they know the struggle, and they are mad that they were left behind, but ultimately they know it had to happen for them to grow. Sure, they are cocky bastards, and they are violent, but they're visibly uncomfortable around Finlay whenever he crosses a line. Gedo doesn't care, since he turns on everyone. He's a greedy promoter, his vice is avarice, he only cares about being with a guy who'll keep him rich.

Drilla, while not a New Japan young lion, has been wrestling for over 10 years (despite being 27), and has had a hard life growing up in the UK. More or less, all of the other War Dogs have struggled in life, while Jake and David have not. Jake and Dave are both egomaniacal masterminds who have been handed everything and only care about themselves. Jake is a lot more charming in his approach, but the point still stands. Jake has hustled his way through all 3 of Japan's biggest promotions, dominated, and looks to be on his way to the Grand Slam. David Finlay (while he did grind his butt off) got in the door because of his last name, and he'll end up in WWE one day because of said last name too. These guys don't know struggle.

Basically, Jake is just a more elegant, gentlemanly version of Finlay. Due to his charisma and physical style, he's been able to charm the rest of the team, but don't think for one moment he won't stab them in the back if it ends up benefitting him in the end. He's a smart bastard.

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