japanese kanji learning made fun

So i always try and make my japanese learning as fun as possible and i found fun workbook etc but
i somewhat failed making kanji that fun (trough immersion is fun) but im talking more dedicated kanji study

tried heisig, i didnt like this one because it didnt give me words and context for kanjis just a meaning wiche i found was just bad

kodanshas kanji was alot better u learn words and readings but quite boring imo

Ik of wanikani but im not too excited to pay monthly but this one is still to try but i really dont wanna end up paying monthly i just wanna get a book or if its a book series

i love japanese from zero so kanji from zero would be obvious books to get but they only cover 450ish kanji with the 2 books and i already know like 300-400 ish kanji from my immersion so there would be overlap with stuff i already know

Is there other good options? i also dont mind importing japanese kanji books if thats a good idea?
or shall i just bite the boredom and do kodansha?

by Deep-Apartment8904

  1. Personally i just use a preset deck from anki for general japanese vocabulary. I don’t focus on kanji specifically, it just so happens theres kanji in the vocab

  2. The most fun way to learn kanji I found for myself is simply reading Japanese dictionaries. Dictionaries with definitions, dictionaries with synonyms, etymology dictionaries – anything goes. I prefer purely Japanese dictionaries over Japanese-English dictionaries, because first one actually teach definitions, while the second ones teach you English analogues of Japanese words, missing a lot of nuances.

  3. Something fun (or frustrating) is learning a bunch of kanji by similar components lol.

    Mnemonics gotta be really strong to not get these mixed up.

    Like these:

    # 沿 賠 倍 鉛

    # 雨 需 霞 霧 雷 電 漏

    # 緑 縁 禄 録

    Of course should be learned with some respective vocab as well, but its a good brain challenge. Definitely not the most efficient frequency wise, but all these are common enough and it should be easy to leave out kanji that are not common


    # Also:

    # 菴 募 墓 幕 漠 暮 模 膜 慕

  4. There is a lifetime membership sale for WaniKani every Christmas, so you could just pay the monthly until then and get that if you still like it.

  5. The Lang Buddy chrome extension is the easiest tool since it’ll tell you a detailed definitions and teaches you additional words that use each kanji your learning or the stroke diagrams too

  6. I’m not sure there is a way to make kanji fun? You just need to suck it up and grind through it. I hope I’m wrong. Not everything in life is fun tho

  7. I just do renshuu (the app). Pretty fun to level up and you can discuss things on forum there etc. Also you can click the radicals to get the meaning, read between many user made mnemonics for all the kanjis and see related vocab etc

  8. For me, wanikani is fun. Ive paid for the monthy and will get the lifetime in the winter, if there is one. I find the little stories funny and memorable, I like the pace and how its structured, the whole thing. In just 2-3 months of using it I’m reading sentences etc. … well worth the $.

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